Karely Casado

Some time ago I decided to make changes in my life in all aspects, sometimes it is easy to plan it but when you have all ideas mixed, sometimes you need a guide to help you give you clarity, that's what Yaritzi did with me, she teaches me that to be afraid it is ok, to embrace it and let it go to be able to make room to the new and keep moving forward. 

When I started her coaching program, I immediately saw that there are things to improve since there are small details that although we think that it is insignificant like the way I used to speak in a negation way, they hold us back not to move forward, now I see how the universe was always listening to me and I just did not want to receive. Yari helped me to embrace my soul and listen that our greatest fear is ourselves, thank you for teaching me to let it flow, we still have progress to make but the first step is the most valuable.

Karely Casado


Gillian Krejcir


Etsuko Kayano